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Hello, and welcome...


I’m Maiya Robbie, an Expressive Arts Therapist

and a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor. 


My approach to my work is compassionate,

curious, resourcing, arts-based 

and informed by my particular constellation of interests

and experiences within the field of psychotherapy. 


I am dedicated to helping folks navigate liminal

(in-between) spaces of not knowing.


Sometimes this looks like stuck-ness,

or feeling at a standstill...

experiencing grief, overwhelm, depression or anxiety.

It may look like navigating your identity and growth

+/or sometimes...

it just feels like a shifting


I'm here to help.

I consider my role to be a  'bridge keeper'.

I stand with you at the in-between to help find your direction(s)


Here, we step into a different way of being in our lives. 

We listen in new ways, we learn to hold curiosity for what is and for what might be. 

We get messy, we slow down, and we explore. 


"Keep some room in your heart

for the unimaginable"

-Mary Oliver

About Expressive Arts Therapy: 

Expressive Arts Therapists offer sessions that integrate creative expression

(for example; visual arts, creative writing, drama, creative ritual, 

 dance/ movement) with relational and somatic therapeutic approaches 

as containers for personal inquiry, discovery, healing and growth.


I offer sessions in my beautiful downtown office, online,

as well as outdoors

(see below for more information about Nature Based sessions). 


Nature Based Expressive Arts Therapy: 


Draws from the therapeutic benefits of BOTH the arts and relationship with the natural world ,

in an integrated way, that supports individual and collective deepening and grounding.

Reach out about nature based sessions!


"Nature based experiences fill a reservoir within us that we can later draw from

when faced with life's challenges"


Melia Snyder, author of Nature Based Expressive Arts Therapy 


Maiya Robbie

203-219 Main Street, Penticton BC
(250) 328-4286


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